Meet the team that brings The Art of Conscious Collaboration to life

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Always driven by pioneering the new, Christiane has been an entrepreneur for 30 years and an international Business Consultant for over two decades. She is among the first people who deeply engaged to bring Holacracy to Europe. Learning from the experience of what it means to make such a fundamental shift, both for organizations and for people, Christiane is the leading developer of The Art of Conscious Collaboration. She is also the author of the book "New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose; A Global Invitation to Experiment With the Unknown."

Anke Lessmann

Anke is a business graduate and entrepreneur and brings over 20 years of consulting experience. Her expertise spans diverse management functions, including personal and organizational development, both in Germany and internationally. With a wealth of knowledge in business coaching and consulting, Anke is a trusted authority in her field. She also holds over a decade of specialized experience in Holacracy, making her a renowned pioneer and expert in the field of self-organization.

Coming soon:

The Certified R&I Process Facilitators

Currently there are Certified Facilitators based in the following countries:




The Netherlands


Contact us and we will be happy to connect you with the Certified Facilitator that is right for you.