R&I Process Facilitator Certification Program

Join our exclusive Facilitator Certification Program and become a catalyst for the co-creation and evolution of The Art of Conscious Collaboration.

With cohorts limited to three participants, this program offers an intimate and intensive learning experience.

Become a Catalyst for

The Art of Conscious Collaboration

What you need to know

Why Choose This Program?

Immerse yourself in a learning journey that will redefine your approach to leadership, collaboration, and personal and professional growth. Discover how the R&I Process can transform life at work through building the foundation for The Art of Conscious Collaboration.

What You Will Gain

Step into a new realm of professional capability and personal insight. Here's what you'll achieve through the program:

Certification as a R&I Process Facilitator: Empower yourself to guide others in developing the leadership capacities to transcend the management hierarchy.

Enhanced Capacity: Master The Art of Conscious Collaboration, enhance your capacity to navigate and embrace the dynamics of collaboration in a complex adaptive system, and support others in developing their capacities for The Art of Conscious Collaboration.

Elevated Consciousness: Achieve a new level of (self-)reflection and (self-)awareness, increasing your consciousness of how to lead and collaborate in service to life.

What You Offer As Certified R&I Process Facilitator?

A Deep Dive Into the Complexity of Collaboration: Support individuals in learning to embrace and navigate the dynamics of a complex adaptive system.

Personalized Development: Enable individuals to identify their key strengths and learning fields, leading to clarity about their individual pathway of personal and professional growth.

Self-Empowerment: Provide learning opportunities through direct experience, leading to empowerment through increased (self-)reflection, perspective taking, and (self-)awareness, and—consequently—increased consciousness.

Agency and Purpose Alignment: Facilitate the reflection and introspection of concerns and tensions that emerge from the complexity of collaboration, and transcend them into agentic and purpose aligned actions that embody conscious collaboration.

Program Structure

Experience a transformative learning structure designed to elevate both your understanding of the dynamics of a complex adaptive system, and your facilitation skills within those dynamics .

Three Participants Per Cohort: Ensuring personalized attention and a focused learning environment.

Comprehensive Learning Modules: Spanning over several weeks, each module is designed to build your skills progressively.

Real-Life Application: Bring your own concerns and tensions to the process and learn through direct experience of practical, real-world scenarios.

Program Details

Delve into the specifics of our comprehensive training program, meticulously designed for your personal and professional growth:

Module 1: Introduction and guided facilitation sessions (7 weekly session).

Module 2: Participant-led facilitation with structured feedback (6 weekly sessions).

Module 3: Self and peer assessment, finalizing with certification (3 individual sessions).

Download Program Details

Your Guide in The Program

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller


I'm Christiane, the developer of The Art of Conscious Collaboration and your guide through the Program to become a Certified R&I Process Facilitator. 

This program is more than just a learning experience; it's an opportunity to redefine how we engage with work and life. If you're passionate about the transformation of the management hierarchy, and eager to facilitate meaningful connections with yourself, within collectives of people, and with all of life, this is where your journey begins. Join me and experience new dimensions of personal growth and professional expertise, and become a catalyst for The Art of Conscious Collaboration.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Join the R&I Process Facilitator Certification Program and become a catalyst for The Art of Conscious Collaboration.